Welcome to Flying Frenzy Paragliding School
"Flying Frenzy offers the perfect learning environment; fun and relaxed but with instructors who inspire confidence."
Paragliding is the purest form of flight available to us. The wing weighs just a few kilos and is easily portable. With a steady breeze blowing up a cliff you can soar all day in perfect relaxation. If adventure is your thing you can climb up thousands of feet in thermals and then glide for many miles. If adrenaline is your thing you can learn to throw your paraglider around to do some of the most dynamic acrobatics imaginable...
It is surprisingly easy to learn to fly a paraglider. You can often fly solo from part the way up the hill on your first day. When flying the glider you hold two control handles. Pulling smoothly on one side gives you a turn to that direction, to slow down you pull a bit on both. As you come back down to the ground you slow the wing and with a few steps finish your flight.
Paragliding is however potentially very dangerous. You must fully understand the risks when you start paragliding. If you make the wrong control input or you encounter a serious patch of turbulence or attempt to fly in wind that is too strong, you can return to the ground with damaging speed.
Flying Frenzy Paragliding ltd is a small and enthusiastic team dedicated to teaching you all the skills and knowledge you need to progress quickly and safely. We have been instructing here in West Dorset since 1993, making us the longest established paragliding school in the West Country. We operate fulltime, year round and we take pride in giving you a straight dependable service. We are a BHPA registered school (British Hang gliding and Paragliding Association) which is your guarantee of quality.